What does a typical week/day look like?
Sometimes we joke with students that every day is different, and every day is the same! While each day typically consists of camp tasks, personal time, journaling, therapeutic assignments, group meal times, and fun, daily activities and experiences largely depend upon what goals are set. For example, a day in which we are hiking to a new location may look much different from a day full of sessions and groups with the therapist.
Although the rhythm of each day is different depending upon individual and group needs, therapy is woven into every aspect of your experience in Emerald Arrow. Therapy is happening in different ways all the time— not just during your sessions with the Primary Therapist. In addition to being supported by the group, you will journal, read books, work on therapeutic assignments, and learn primitive skills like bow drilling and carving. You will practice yoga and mindfulness, create art with your hands, and hike with a big pack on your back. You will become a mentor and leader for your peers, and practice new physical and therapeutic skills. This practice and work is what ultimately leads to change.