Daily Life
Exploring values daily
The Blue Ridge model is effective with therapeutically resistant students as well as students who come to Blue Ridge as a first intervention. The 24/7 supervision, overarching clinical support, and therapeutic application of principles – against the backdrop of a safe but challenging environment – affects change in a way that cannot be duplicated in other therapeutic settings.
Students in our program are provided a distraction free environment. They're immersed in the milieu where therapists, field staff and the environment provide a small universe of lessons mirroring the larger universe in which they live. Our daily activities are intentionally implemented and guided by universal backpacking protocols.
The Day-to-Day
We believe the true benefits of our program are born in the daily routine. Each day, students are faced with opportunities to reflect upon their patterns and explore how they relate to life's challenges. Daily groups, individual therapy assignments, personal time, and teamwork necessary for community living all create a rich environment where students can learn about themselves and practice new skills for the future.
Collaboration in a Therapeutic Milieu
The therapeutic milieu cultivates a strong focus on assertive communication skills. Together, students develop expectations and norms that best work for the entire group. This emphasis on team building, communication, and consideration for others helps students learn to pay attention to their surroundings, practice emotional immediacy, and communicate frustrations, requests and ideas more effectively.
Improved Self-Care and Emotional Regulation
Our health and wellness program is customized to meet each student’s dietary and physical needs. Adolescents in our program are provided with structure, new skills, resources and communication tools such as the “I feel” statement, conflict resolution strategies, and mindfulness practices, which guide them in regulating their emotions with empowerment and accountability.

Increased Resilience and Self-Esteem
We implement the programming— but the authentic, lasting change and growth our students choose to embark upon while they are here is in their own hands. We believe that, when our students realize the control they have over choosing their values, beliefs and actions, they are better suited to grow and heal.
Gentle and Research-Based Daily Practices
We understand that long-term empowerment, motivation and growth occur from within each individual. Rather than implementing outdated behavioral modification practices, our treatment team encourages students to discover what works best for them through emotional support, motivational interviewing and supervised trial and error.