Health and Wellness
Holistic, whole-body wellness
We understand that when our students learn to take care of their “whole self”, they are able to create more sustainable change. For optimal results, we cannot help a student with only one part of their lives (their emotions, or depression, anxiety, etc.) without addressing their physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual wellness. This is why so many aspects of our program focus on mindfulness, physical activity, and teaching about healthful, whole-food based nutrition.
“Meditation has been a really big part of my path since I was introduced to it while in wilderness. I also make sure to spend some time outside every day. I still have my ups and downs and sometimes they feel like major setbacks; but actually, my downs don’t rule my life anymore. I am a functioning adult and can genuinely share that I’m happy and doing well.”
— BRTW Alum
Health and Wellness Goals
Mental Clarity
Better Sleep
Decreased depression, anxiety and stress
Improved emotional resilience and regulation
Decreased volatility
Reduced physical pain
Tools for lasting change
The health and wellness tools we offer our students help them to build a foundational skillset that they can use for life. As students practice health and wellness at Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness, they are better prepared to engage in the clinical, academic, and social components of the program.

Physical Activity
Students are taught the purpose of physical activity and why it is important for their minds, bodies and emotions. Although our groups hike often, the length and time spent hiking varies depending on each group member’s needs. To help students stay active on non-hiking days, students may play games, explore the surrounding nature via day hikes, and participate in exercise and stretching sessions which are supervised by staff members who are able to provide direction on proper form, purpose of the movements, modifications, and motivation.

Diet and Nutrition
We take nutrition more seriously than many other wilderness programs. In addition to receiving fresh fruits, vegetables and meats at each food restock, students at Blue Ridge have access to nutrient-dense foods with high nutritional value and containing less sugar or salt than is commonly found in the backpacker’s diet.
When each student arrives, their dietary restrictions and needs are accommodated as well as any allergies they may have. Our Health and Wellness team works diligently to ensure that each student is given the proper amount of daily calories as well as the appropriate foods to support dietary needs.
Often, students entering our program are experiencing difficulty with emotional regulation, processing their thoughts and reactions, and are unaware of the many ways to reconnect with themselves and their surroundings.
Research suggests that practicing mindfulness for at least 30 minutes a day for as little as eight weeks leads to changes in the prefrontal cortex significant enough to be seen on a functional MRI. This, among its many other benefits, is why students at BRTW practice mindfulness on a daily basis. Our students are taught how to notice their emotions and thoughts, drawing valuable connections between their minds, bodies and their choices.

Water and Food Intake
Students must meet certain daily food and water intake requirements. Because living in the wilderness setting is physically demanding, students need to remain well hydrated and properly fed throughout the day for their safety. Water and food intake is supervised by staff throughout the day, and discrepancies in food or water consumption are reported to our medical team.